With a long history of “camping” – hunting, fishing, family outings – and finally with a building to keep it out of the sun and weather, in 2006 we bought a Rialta. We loved it and the motorhome experience.
Sometime during the three years of using it, we became aware of the USA/Isata Touring Sedan and in the winter of 2008 we bought one.
The 1995 USA Europa 28 foot Touring Sedan needed some work but we soon had a rig that served us very well. It had been repainted and looked great.
It drove good, got 11-12 mpg, and was a perfect size. However, we didn’t like the crosswise bed in back that required one person to crawl over and I really didn’t like the Generac generator. We put 20,000 miles on it by 2013.
Since we had been drawn into the mystique of this coach, we looked for another with the features we wanted. We found a 1999 with few miles and lots to recommend it including that it hadn’t yet been repainted and we could made the needed repairs, add the “goodies” we wanted and then do a fresh paint job. For a little while we were doubly blessed.
So now the saga of the new Dynamax begins on the next page.